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26 August 2023 @ 7: 00 PM - 8: 00 PM


Xela Edna & Eius Echo are an experimental electronic pop music duo from Montreal (Tiohtiá:ke) formed in 2018. Their artistic approach is defined by sound and vocal experimentation, as well as by writing uninhibited poetry on various subjects about personal life experiences. Including both organic and electronic sounds in their creations, the symbiosis between nature and technology is an important aspect of their work. Their inspirations draw from rock, techno, dance, pop, electroacoustic and orchestral music. Their approach also offers a balance between dance and reflection, lightness and heaviness. After releasing three EPs, “Ultraviolet” in 2019, “ALTER EGO” in 2020 & “Bulle” in 2021, they recently released two singles “Flash” and “Indigeste” from their upcoming debut album for 2024.


FUTURELLE consists in the implementation of a multidisciplinary performance. For this act, we offer a complex live audio-visual show that immerses the viewer in our techno-feminist cyber-punk universe. FUTURELLE is a multisensory experience where sound and image, and human and machine are one.


26 August 2023
7: 00 PM - 8: 00 PM
Event Category: