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Par Danika

27 August 2023 @ 5: 30 PM - 5: 45 PM


​​In the morning, us, vulnerable, in all our glory, awake, free. In the morning, we all have our habits in order to wake up. Since coffee is part of the routine of the vast majority of people, we choose the cup, carefully or not, in which we will drink this beverage. What if the cup we chose impacted the rest of our routine? This intimate habit with which one prepares to present oneself to the world. What if we let the vulnerability of the morning influence the way we dress? Extravagant arrangements of pieces made from simple objects. Back to basics, the pleasure of dressing and remembering the history that our pieces carry. Inspired from the shapes, the colours, the materials of our cups, to create authentic garments to carry us through the day. That’s what it is, Le matin, Par Danika.

Par Danika is the result of a project that has been constantly evolving for years. From a very young age, fashion has been an important part of Danika’s life. Which led to the creation of Guillemets Clothing in 2016, as they were 14 years old, which will end in 2018 for ethical and environmental reasons. Following the end of this company, Danika looked for ways to continue creating while respecting their values. Self-taught, they learned to sew at low cost by giving curtains and tablecloths a second life. This approach has remained over time, as they create entirely from recycled materials. In order to ensure that the clothes last over time, most of them are adjustable and adapt to the body of the people who wear them. Because we should not have to adapt to the clothes we like, but quite the opposite, the clothes adapt to us. These garments carry a story, because of the way they’re made, but also because of the provenance of its materials. Then, it’s the person who wears the clothes’s duty to give it their own story.

Being a non-binary person, it is important for Danika to create clothes that can adapt to all genders and not be limited to the traditional bi-gendered way of classifying clothes. The fluidity and freedom to swim in the world as you wish. Par Danika is first of all a way of transmitting a passion, with the freedom and liberty to experience art. Then, the simplicity of putting pieces together to create clothes that make you feel good.


27 August 2023
5: 30 PM - 5: 45 PM
Event Category: